Together at Last – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Together at Last

 In Story

Kenya was six months pregnant with her fifth child when she lost her job as a medical assistant. Her husband had left her and she was already struggling to get by. With no income, she was eventually evicted from her home and lost her car. Friends and family helped as much as they could, but it was difficult for them to add a family of six to their homes. Out of options, Kenya was forced to send two of her young children to live with an aunt. Desperate to keep her family together, Kenya looked in two states for help. But finding a job and safe, reliable childcare was tough — let alone finding a place to live.

Deeply discouraged, she turned to the phone book to look for shelters. Orlando Union Rescue Mission (OURM) was her first call. Because OURM has the capacity to house whole families, Kenya was able to bring all of her children home. “The Mission provided a roof over our heads so we could all be together,” she says gratefully.

As she looks back over her journey a year later, she says she knows that God was drawing her closer to Him through all of her trials. She knew Him before, but she was not walking with Him. Even when she couldn’t pay the bills and the lights were shut off, and then the water, she knew God would somehow make a way.

Now Kenya doesn’t worry about the future. Through the Victorious Life Class, she’s learned to live a life pleasing to God. Parenting classes have given her the encouragement she needs as a single mom. And with her children safe in a loving environment, she’s gone back to school to become a certified medical assistant. She hopes to become a registered nurse so that she can provide for her children.

Kenya and her children are so thankful for the Mission and our generous partners who’ve made it possible for her to keep her family together.

If you’d like to be a part of our ministry to women and children like Kenya, please contact today.

Or give a gift to provide food and shelter for women and children. >>>

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