Homeless Children Kick School Year Off With Healthy Lunches From Whole Foods Market – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Homeless Children Kick School Year Off With Healthy Lunches From Whole Foods Market

 In Press Releases

ORLANDO, FL– The children at Orlando Union Rescue Mission (OURM) will kick the school year off on a positive and healthy note, thanks to a local health food giant. Whole Foods Market has teamed up as a community partner with OURM to provide the kids at O.U.R. Mission Home healthy lunches for the first day of school, Monday, August 24th.

Whole Foods Market Marketing & Community Relations Team Leader, Vicky Santamaria along with their Health Starts Here Specialist, Shannon Sherman will be at O.U.R. Mission Home to personally hand out the bagged lunches to the children as they head out to their first day of school. The healthy lunch will include, turkey sandwich, fresh fruit, veggies, and milk.

Interview opportunities available with Whole Foods Market Representatives, OURM Staff, OURM residents

About OURM

Founded in 1948, the Orlando Union Rescue Mission is a 501(c) (3), faith-based organization providing food, shelter, clothing, and rehabilitative programs to destitute and homeless men, women, and children. OURM does not receive any local, state or government funding, and is entirely supported by the generous contributions from the surrounding Central Florida community. www.ourm.org

About Whole Foods Market Caring for Communities
As a company, we are set up very uniquely for a large business. Our stores are not cookie cutter big box-type stores with directives from “corporate” about how to run the business. Each of our stores has a lot of latitude in deciding the best way to operate that individual store to meet the needs of the local community. That makes community giving really special and fun. Overall, our community giving well exceeds 5% of our total net profits each year.


For additional information pertaining to this release, please contact Tanneka Guice at (407) 422-4855 ext: 1119 or tanneka.guice@www.ourm.org

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