Finding Home – Mission Accomplished: Rhonda Jackson – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Finding Home – Mission Accomplished: Rhonda Jackson

 In Mission Accomplished, Newsletter Story, Story

Rhonda’s life took a painful turn when she left everything behind for love, only to find herself alone and destitute. With her new husband in jail and her family unable to offer long-term help, Rhonda felt she’d lost all support and love. Eager for some sort of solace, she visited the Mission near the end of 2016. Love made its presence known instantly when a Mission staff member who attended Rhonda’s church recognized her. For a moment, Rhonda hung her head in shame, but the words of the staff member lifted her spirits, assuring her that someone saw and cared. Rhonda moved into the Mission soon after.

Quickly, the Mission became more than just a place of shelter; it became a place of love. Rhonda recalls the joy of sharing stories, laughter, and the delight of deep connection with fellow guests at the Mission, sitting after dinner many nights braiding one another’s hair.

Seven years later, Rhonda works as a plasma technician and resides in a senior living community. She shares, “A raise is coming. I am making more money than I’ve ever made in my life”. And, if her credit improves, she may be able to purchase her own home.

But, Rhonda acknowledges, there is one place she has always felt at home—the Mission. She continues to make return visits, bringing donations for others who share a similar story to her own. In moments of reflection, Rhonda expresses her gratitude for donors like you, recognizing the profound impact your gifts have had on her life. With sincere appreciation, she often prays, “God, thank you. Thank you for that time at the Mission,” a time filled with reformed faith, restored hope, and—most important—rediscovered love.

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