A Life Resurrected – Daniel Meeks – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

A Life Resurrected – Daniel Meeks

 In Mission Accomplished, Newsletter Story, Story
Daniel Meeks, a former truck driver, has ridden a bumpy road of addiction and crime, but his life has turned around, and he is helping others who traveled the same path. It all started in 2001 when Daniel, driving his truck, was involved in an accident that left him with a broken back and two people dead. Although the accident wasn't his fault Daniel suffered from survivor's guilt. To ease the back pain and numb the devastating emotional stress, his doctor prescribed opiates. Soon Daniel was addicted, and 15 years later, when worker's compensation would no longer pay for his painkillers, he turned to crime and was arrested several times. The turmoil left Daniel divorced and suicidal. Finally at his wit's end, in May 2021, he called Mike Harvey, a good friend who recommended Daniel enter the Mission to get his life back on track. The first month, Daniel didn't think he was going to make it, but gradually he began listening to the pastors and knew God had to change him, so he stayed. One item on Danie's bucket list was to complete high school, as he had dropped out when he was 14, but he didn't think he could do it. Ms. Tanika Brooks, Administrator at the Mission's Career Learning Center, encouraged and believed in him, and Daniel graduated as valedictorian of his class and then worked on his AA degree at Valencia. Meanwhile, Pastors Richard Vieira, Shane Ryle, Vince Hall, and Joe Peacock, poured love and encouragement into Daniel, prayed with him, taught him Bible studies, and helped him turn his life around. Daniel realizes who helped make his life transformation possible. "The resources that this ministry provides can only come from the donors all over the world, for God to bless them." Karen Kestner, the Mission's Development Director challenged Daniel to think about what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, and today he is helping others get their lives back together, too. He left the Mission in June 2023 to work at Miracle Hill, a group of missions for the homeless in South Carolina, and he lives minutes from his daughter. Daniel loves his new job. "I've never been happier in my life," he said, I'm able to serve and minister to more people than I ever could imagine. It's not about money anymore, but serving God's people the best I can."
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