A New Map for His Life – Aaron’s Story – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

A New Map for His Life – Aaron’s Story

 In Mission Accomplished, Newsletter Story, Story, Success Story
Aaron Halley entered the Mission in 2021. Before that, he had moved to Florida to care for his mother, who died, and Aaron lost his job due to Covid. He began sleeping on the streets, was hospitalized for an extended period, and started using alcohol and drugs to dull the hopelessness that consumed him. A severe reaction to a medicine prescribed for him left him with cataracts and limited vision, a tough situation for one who loves to read. Once he arrived at Project Hope, things began to turn around for Aaron. He completed classes in chemical dependency, quit drinking, renewed his relationship with Christ, and gradually became healthy and strong. Then Hurricane Ian struck and destroyed twenty-one rooms at the Mission, including Aaron’s. But that didn’t stop him from achieving his goals. Although he had an undergraduate degree in history and geography, Pastor Shane recommended Aaron attend Per Scholas, a non-profit institute that awards IT certificates. That meant 14-hour days of online courses and intense studying, and it all paid off when Aaron completed his courses and became certified in IT. Today he works in Manhattan creating code for databases and mapping statistics geographically for about 40 agencies involved in a joint project to track gun crime. “The Mission gave me the space to succeed,” Aaron said. Pastor Shane, whom Aaron calls his “backbone,” used connections with the Lion’s Club, who are supporters of the Mission, to get eye surgery for Aaron. He was given a room of his own with two computers and privacy so he could complete his schoolwork. “It was intense,” he said of the class and study schedule. “The Mission is a very positive space, and the people who succeed do it for the long term. I have undying thanks for Pastor Hall, Pastor Shane, Joe Piccotte, David Masterpol, and Pastor Richard,” who worked with him and encouraged him. Aaron is also thankful for all the donors who made it possible. “Thank you for allowing this program to be there and for hiring people who are intelligent and helpful. If it wasn’t for the Mission giving me help, none of this would have been possible.”
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