Orlando Union Rescue Mission Works to Build Much Needed Men’s Center – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Orlando Union Rescue Mission Works to Build Much Needed Men’s Center

 In Press Releases

The following serves as an official statement in regards to the Orlando Union Rescue Mission’s men’s center.

ORLANDO, FL– Orlando Union Rescue Mission (OURM) has been a major part of the community’s effort to combat homelessness for over 65 years. Those who know our programs recognized we have a long standing reputation for serving men, women and children; hope for the future by assisting them to return to a life of self-sufficiency. OURM’s families’, women’s and children’s programs provided in our state-of-the-art facility on West Washington Street thrive in an environment that was designed to address the unique needs of our homeless neighbors.

OURM’s aging Men’s Center on West Central Street has long been inadequate in size and capacity and requires constant maintenance and repairs. The opportunity to sell our Men’s Center location combined with the strong early interest of our many loyal and faithful financial supporters has allowed us to move forward with planning for acquisition of a new site upon which we can build a new Men’s Center that will better serve the men who seek our help to rebuild their lives and provide added value to our community for the benefit of all of us.

This planning has explored a number of sites for consideration. The Mission has owned property on Old Winter Garden Road for almost ten years. The site is located in Orange County, has allowable uses similar to ours and access to the services critical for the success of the work programs we offer to our men. Our application to Orange County for approval of our land use request was denied by the Board of Zoning Adjustments.

As a part of exploring this process OURM also begin dialogue with Mayor Dyer and the City. Mayor Dyer’s commitment to solving homelessness, as well as his commitment to engage the community leaders in the surrounding area, has been a welcomed process. OURM has identified a location on Anderson Street next to the OUC chiller plant that meets our requirements. This site is owned by the City and OURM is working through a process to have an opportunity to acquire this site and proceed with our plans. OURM will offer more details on our plans once we determine the feasibility of acquiring the site. We have already begun outreach to others in the community to work together. The new facility will give us an opportunity to serve our disadvantaged neighbors, return them to a life of self-sufficiency, and make available to them the process, by which they can work to achieve stability.

About OURM

Founded in 1948, the Orlando Union Rescue Mission is a 501(c) (3), faith-based organization providing food, shelter, clothing, and rehabilitative programs to destitute and homeless men, women, and children. OURM does not receive any local, state or government funding, and is entire supported by the surrounding Central Florida community. www.ourm.org


For additional information pertaining to this release, please contact Tanneka Guice at (407) 422-4855 ext: 1119 or tanneka.guice@www.ourm.org


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