Thank you from Khallid – Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Thank you from Khallid

 In Story

Hello my friend!

I’m Khallid and I’m preparing to move out of the Orlando Union Rescue Mission’s Men’s Home. I don’t know where I’d be without the Mission.

I was born in Egypt and raised a Muslim. When I first found myself homeless, I didn’t come to the Mission because my Muslim friends told me I wouldn’t be welcome at a Christian shelter. But after living on the streets for a while, I decided to take a chance. On my ID it says I am a Muslim, but nobody here said a word about it. I was welcomed with love. It was the first time I ever felt God’s love. I knew right away this is a special place.

Soon I joined the discipleship program and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. My life has been transformed through Him. I am a new creature, and I want to spend the rest of my life serving the Lord.

Before coming to America, I was a math teacher at Cairo University. After a few months at the Mission, I began tutoring other guests who are working toward getting their high school diplomas. About a year ago, I was hired as a teacher in the Career Learning Center, and I am able to witness while I teach. I’ve been saving my money and just bought a car. Now I am looking for an apartment.

I want to thank you for supporting the Mission. Without you, I never would have learned about God’s love and gotten back on my feet. I am forever grateful.

Your brother in Christ,

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